Sunday, October 11, 2015

Almost halfway through!!

Hello, readers!!  I can't tell you how excited I've been to write about these movies for you!  I know I've always been a movie geek--and if you're still here, that means you must be too!  But writing about most of these movies that I had seen even before I chose this topic to blog about, I'm so much more enthusiastic about the films that I almost just have to stop writing and watch them all over again.

If only I had that kind of time. *sigh*

It is true that--because I'm in my middle-30s, being married for over 7 years, and being a working (both in school and in my job) father to a wonderfully sweet 3-1/2-year-old--my time is not really my own anymore.  My wife would testify to that in a New York minute.

So, let's recap.  Here's a linked list of all the movies we've covered up to this point:
So, the genres represented are (1) horror, (2) action, (1) musical, (1) drama, and (2) comedy.

The running tally of overall winners are: Original - (2); Remake - (3); Ties/Reader's Choice - (2)

As we near the halfway point in just another week or two, you probably have been noticing a little pattern as to how the blog posts have been organized.

I have decided that it would be best to organize the movies I blog about in chronological order from the earliest to the latest remake.  For example, the Psycho remake was released in 1998, Gone in 60 Seconds in 2000, etc.  Why?  For good reason, as a matter of fact.

What good would my blog be if I started writing about the latest remakes that have come out FIRST?!  Would you even pay attention until the end when I post my 20th and final blog....critiquing a movie that was remade likely before you could even comprehend what a movie was?

I thought not.  I know I wouldn't!

Here is a few movies that will wet your cinematic appetite in the upcoming weeks as we take a look at those remakes that have been released in just the last six or seven years:
  • A Nightmare on Elm Street
  • True Grit
  • Total Recall
  • Godzilla
Seeing as how I was more than generous to give you 40% of the films we're about to discuss, I think I'll keep you in the dark on the rest.

Thank you for walking through these amazing films.  Okay, maybe not all of them so amazing.  But that's the wonder of cinema; and the reason why you shouldn't take at face value what a professional movie critic says, or even online statistical websites like or

Because no one can tell you what a good movie is.  Other people are not you!  Sometimes, you just have to take the risk of seeing a piss-poor film in hopes that you'll actually find a gem that you wouldn't otherwise have taken notice of.

That's precisely what happened to me when I began my quest to view every single one of the 1001 Movies list I've been citing from.  In actuality, I've only been using the 2011 edition.  Currently, in the Topeka & Shawnee County Public Library, they have three editions: one also from 2013 and one just acquired a few weeks ago from 2015.  Each publication has its own list, with some from the previous editions not mentioned as well as newer films that were released after the previous edition.

So, if you are curious to check them out and try to see all of them as well, the link below will take you to the online list so you don't have to go to the library to check out the hardcopy (or be put on a waiting list for weeks because someone checked it out right before you).

1001 (and more!) Movies You Must See Before You Die

Now, go out out there and immerse yourself in more movies!!

I know it's not movie related, but because it's my blog and I can post whatever I want......

Because the premiere episode for season 6 aired tonight, here's the epic trailer for what you're about to witness.  For all The Walking Dead fans reading:

Stay alive, my friends!!  There's more movie battles to come!!

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