Friday, December 4, 2015

GODZILLA (1998) vs. GODZILLA (2014)

Ok, ok.  Yes, I went away from my formula I've been following all semester long: Compare the FIRST original to the LATEST remake.  And you're thinking "the 1998 Godzilla wasn't the original!"

Technically, you're correct.

But the stipulation being that the original Godzilla franchise is a Japanese production, not a U.S. production.

Loopholes.  Are a bitch, sometimes.  Hahaha!

SYNOPSIS (1998): An enormous, radioactively mutated lizard runs rampant in Manhattan.

DIRECTOR: Roland Emmerich vs. Gareth Edwards

I can't believe the original is going to win ANY of these categories!!  Roland Emmerich is well-known for his "end of the world" genre films, including The Day After Tomorrow, 2012, and of course Independence Day. 

But Godzilla?

While not really classified as an "end of the world" apocalyptic type film, a major city does get pretty much torn up as Godzilla's plaything.

However, just like in casting....just because you have a more famous cast doesn't mean you get the win here.  Taking into account the direction of each movie, Edwards did a much better job directing his film than Emmerich did.

If anything, Emmerich may have learned from his mistakes from this debacle of a film into his future movies, which did in fact turn out much better than this one.

WINNER: Remake, Gareth Edwards

SCREENPLAY: Dean Devlin/Roland Emmerich vs. Max Borenstein/Dave Callaham

The remake paid homage to the original Japanese films in that it pitted Godzilla up against other monsters to fight.

The original made Godzilla a female and capable of reproducing baby Godzillas.

Point to the remake.

WINNER: Remake, Max Borenstein/Dave Callaham

CAST/ACTING: Matthew Broderick, Jean Reno, Hank Azaria vs. Aaron Taylor-Johnson, Ken Watanabe, Elizabeth Olsen, Bryan Cranston

The remake just edges out the original in this one.  That was close.

Thanks Heisenberg! I mean, Cranston.

WINNER: Remake


The original DID have the better soundtrack.  And this isn't just a pity vote, either.  It was good.

WINNER: Original

Godzilla (1998):

Godzilla (2014):
OVERALL WINNER: Remake 2014 Godzilla

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